Monday, August 1, 2011

Who really won?

The Masterminds of the Tea Party are pretending to be upset about debt ceiling vote.  This was a big loss for all of America.

No matter what happened the American people would loss.  It was designed that way, yes setup from the start and doomed to fail.  They say fight the fights you can win, a lovely old adage which means little or nothing.  Instead of fighting the fights you can win, why not make sure you are fighting the right fight.

See in essence the Tea Party got in office because they kept promising jobs.

So there should have never been legislation tying the debt ceiling to the budget.  There should have been legislation about jobs, but we got into a budget fight.  The point is get America back to work and you generate more money that goes back into the economy.

But that was not the case.  They got looped into a Tea Party debacle which could have easily been handled.  It was simple, don't give in and give them the impression that you are a cave master as long as they hold out.  Default would have hurt the American people yes, but it would have had a bigger impact on the Wallstreet and Corporate America.

The middle class, seniors and the poor are already strapped and eking by. So yes it would have been painful, but the truth of the matter is it would have hurt the wealth more with the dropping of their investments and their inability to conduct business as usual.  So what we struggle a little more I don't see how this is different other then the fact it only affect those of us who are struggling. Once our credit rating drops the market drops which in turn affect Corporate America.  Corporate America also has the problem that it doesn't deal with cash so it would effect their ability to do business.

Now that's a Shared Sacrifice

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