Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Welcome to the Machine

I think I finally get it.  I was confused and a little bewildered about Obama's game plan.  If I'm right it all makes sense.

So we have our first Afro-American President and this is huge, I mean a major accomplishment.  Now we have to keep in miond that racism crosses political lines.  A lot of people put their hope in this President and all for good reason.  It appears the Obama doesn't have the best interest of America at heart and all for goosd reason, but what if I were to tell you it's all by design.  So what I'm about to relate to you is my understandiung why Obama is truly wise and deserving of is title.

In a Country riddled with raciam we were not ready for a Afro-American President.  It took a lot of people by surprise.  Stepping into this office he had to deal with opposition from all sides including Democrats that may not believe the are racist.  No racism has many face from those that are just overt racist to those that may not beleive that are racist. 

As an Afro-American I've worked with those that have not seen us in positions of authourity and basically don't know how to handle it.  I mean they are everyday people that just for lack of environment have not had to deal with this situation.  They may not think they are racist but deep down in their heart they can't imagine an Afro-American doing the job of running the country.

When he got in office he had a divided Congress of those that supported him and those that didn't among the democrats.  Those that weren't really sure how he would act.  The thought of a Black Agenda basically scares America and what most don't understand is if you improve America situation you improve the black situation.

So in walk Obama with plans of change without help of his democratic party members.  He got done that which he could just by being President, which is a huge list of things.  Then we get to budgetary items and we begin to see where loyalties lay.

Well needless to say we needed an intervention and in walks the Tea Party, truly a savior of modern democracy.  Yes the Tea Party pushing things so far to the right that even Conservative Republicans think they are nuts.  Their insane clamor has united the Democratic Party and all it took was a little white lie.  Let Congress bicker amongst themselves and not accomplish anything.  Allow the Tea Party push the American Agenda further and further to the right.  Then put something out there that you know won't pass or be supported by the people of your party.

In essence what you get is a change in the Culture of Congress.  You get a Tea Party that has come to be know as extreme, a Republican Class that's torn between talking points of the Extremist Tea Party, A Democratic Party that just flat out thinks the Tea Party is a bunch of whacko's and a Liberal Class stuck in the middle wondering what's wrong with everyone.

So with all the talking point we can now get things accomplished.  The Tea Party has shown that they can't be taken seriously and that they are the Party of "NO".  So now no matter what is put on the table you can already assume the Tea Party will say no and then it's a matter of getting the center republicans on board with any idea.  Now that would normally be a problem, but they understand that they have to ignore the Tea Party now.  So there will be a few hard core republicans that side with the Tea Party no matter what the consequences are and complete support of the democrats.

So there you have it, like a well played chess game Obama has not only unified the democrats, but swayed a small amount of republicans.

And I thought he was crazy for caving on everything.

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