Thursday, August 18, 2011

The 800 LB Gorilla: Tea Anyone?

The 800 pound gorilla in the room or one might the Tea Party.  This is probably the most vocal political group ever.  This group of Right Extremist represent nothing and mean nothing.

So this is our political climate today.  The Tea Party represents conservative republicans that want smaller government, less federal spending and more accountability from our government officials.  Not bad until you add and the extreme Evangelical belief and a sense of white being right to the mix.  This is a recent evolution of the party since Obama won the election in 2008 which was a switch from a faction that wanted the government to be fiscally responsible.  No matter how hard you try you can not avoid noticing the Racist Agenda that they have.

With the election of the First Afro-American President, something that was not popular within certain circles in the white community they gained more support.  They have changed their agenda to see Obama fail at all cost, which includes the downfall of our country.

The Tea Party Agenda has put the health and welfare of this country at risk, but that's not entirely a bad thing.  The Tea Party with all it's antics has managed to do something historical and that is to unite the Democratic Party.  So these one term officials are shouting their message from anywhere and to anyone that will listen, and they are shouting loud.

At the end of the day it is what it is what it is, just a handful of irate voters that started with an good national agenda to preach hate.  They lured people in by speaking to the countries needs for employment and quickly changed.

For months they have been telling everyone what was being done wrong from their point of view, but never what they would do to make things better.  Yes they put together a bunch of career killing bills, that really didn't address the issues.  They have put together talking point and have coined phrases like "One Term President", and ObamaCare to keep you focused on their message.  But it's all empty rhetoric designed to serve their purpose not yours, they put a gun to the head of America and is about to pull the trigger.

So we have allowed this small faction take over our political future and they do mean harm.  No one can get a word in edgewise because they filibusterer any platform they have with their talking points. Just watch them when they are asked what the stand on any issue is, first is "I'm not doing it like Obama" very specific.  Not about his policy, but about the person.  Then it's the standard he hasn't done this or he hasn't done that all the time avoiding what they would do, which was the question.

So they have this country in a tizzy about nothing and it's all over the media.  They say insane things to keep people talking about them so that you know their name.  Maybe it by design so we don't forget them, or just maybe they are that ignorant. 

The silent mass of the republican party stays out and away, they don't donate money and they vote them out as soon as they have the chance.  Either they are waiting for a serious candidate that hold real Republican beliefs or they are resigned to say that no one can do a better job going forwards.  The one thing that is sure November 2012 will tell and I can assure you Obama will win the 2012 Election.

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