Monday, August 1, 2011


So they finally reached a deal, but who really wins?

Well it was clear from the beginning that this entire discussion was not about the American People.  It was about a group of unsatisfied Republicans with their own motives to derail the current President at any cost.

The Tea Party let's call them The Disgruntle Republican Idiotic Party or DRIP for short.  Well DRIP's decided that they did not want our current President to be effective let lone in charge, and they did everything they could to ensure that was the case.

So when they got enough people in office they could implement their plan realizing that it would be painful to most.  They tell people they know how to create jobs which this country badly needs and the first day in office they switch their priorities.  I mean most of the ballots weren't even done being counted before the "Government Spends too Much" or the "Government is too Big" speeches start.

Now, don't get me wrong I'm a Republican, but this is not my Republican Party and it hasn't been for years.  My GOP party were men of action, accepted responsibilities and stood up for America, they knew that a stronger American meant a bigger bottom line for them.

They were not inviting governors from across the country to come and pray their way out of anything, they took action it may not have always been the right action but they did something other then saying it's in God's Hands.

They would speak about Moral and Family Values and live their life accordingly as opposed to being total hypocrites. 

They were proud of our education system and knowing that we had the best education system in the world instead of why do teachers need a job.

They understood the importance of long term Public Works Programs to put Americans back to work and create jobs that would grow the economy.

They were not afraid to spend spend spend to keep this country great.

The Good Ole Party is no long good and pretty much new.  I hold my head in shame.

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