Wednesday, August 10, 2011

London Bridge is Falling Down or Welcome to the Terror Dome

As the riots continue in London, many people are lost wondering why is this happening.

We have all seen the graphic images of burning buildings and abandoned buses set ablaze, but we don't know why it happening.  Well it started with the execution style death of a 29 year old father of 4 by officers of the Scotland Yard Police.  He allegedly had gang ties, but the circumstances surrounding his death will never be know, because the one person that could shed light on the situation is dead.  I'm not trying to argue his guilt, innocence nor justification for the incident and ensuing riots.  I, myself wonder why would one individual's death spark such outrage.

Well whatever caused the riots is surely a long gone memory, but the rage remains.  Maybe it's a sign that our disenfranchised youths are feed up with being left out of the dream of a better life or it just might be the stripping away of all the programs that help the underprivileged.  Either way it doesn't matter the people of London have spoken.

For decades the UK have been eliminating programs that would help their youths be productive members of society.  So now you have an entire generation with no hopeful outlook for their future.  A generation with nothing to lose, fueled by a senseless murder that could have represented any one of them and you have the London Riots. 

Something that started off as a protest escalated to all out mayhem.

On a more personal note while searching for a photo for this blog all I saw in the American Newspapers were the Blacks in the UK rioting, regardless to the common knowledge that it is a mixed crowd.  I actually had to really search for the photo I used....Just a side note, but may be of importance later.

So why is this important?  Well as they slowly strip away our right to provide benefits for the wealthy what do they really think is going to happen here?

As Congress debate and waste time about what to do about his country and we lose more programs that are designed to help the poor and disenfranchised we see more and more violence in our streets.  And yes it will first appear to be a racial event due to the medias lack of impartial judgement when it comes to portraying who the villain is.

This is a Class War that doesn't have a good outcome for this country.  When Congress stop worrying about what they can get from that 2% they have been protecting and worry about the potential outrage of the other 98% we may get somewhere.

People aren't going to willing starve to death and there is no future for our youth today.  So what do people that are struggling do?  Yes commit crimes, loot and pillage.

As I watch the violence in the UK and how it's spreading I can only see where our future lies.

Welcome to America the new Third World Country!!

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