Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Entitlements Program?????

Why is it that so many Afro-Americans think they are entitled to something?

I mean give them a position where they have a little authority....not much, just where you have to listen to them and they flip the "F" out.  How many times have you called ComEd, ComCast or SBC and had to deal with a customer service agent or rep and from the tone of their voice you just knew they were Black.

This isn't just a customer service issue.  Most Black American feel as if they are entitled to something just because they are black or something is due them because of the color of their skin.  Everyone wants to give their views and opinions as if it mean's something and when you don't agree they are the first to say "Well that's your opinion!", well everything is not a matter of opinion.

We have people that will stand up and speak as long as they have a platform to shout from.  Now I don't mind people speaking their mind as long as they make sense and they weigh the value or merit of their statement, but this is rarely the case.  In most cases they are simply regurgitating something they read or heard.

Now I'm not trying to say there aren't any intelligent Blacks out there, but what I can say is there is a lack of critical or analytical thinking among them.

So now to my point.  What's going on with Tavis Smiley and Cornell West?  I have no clue, they appear to be upset with President Obama.

Apparently they are discontent with Obama's handling of the Government.  West has never been shy about his thought of Obama kowtowing to Wall Street, and I kind of agree with him.  Smiley is a little different I think, I think he might be a little upset because he is not part of the Obama mainstream when it comes to events.

Now these are two Afro-Americans that I do respect and I believe them to be intelligent, but sometime intelligent people can make some really stupid decisions.  Yes, I said STUPID.

They have been very vocal critics of Obama for his handling of the government and I can agree with them on most of their points.  I may not agree with their over all view, but they make some valid points.

But this is not about their views or opinions.  It's about their failure to back our current President.  At the end of the day since they have a national platform and people will listen.  If they are concerned about this country as much as they say they do then they know no voting is not an option. 

You can't complain about your Government not providing the services you want and then not vote.  That is the most insane concept I've ever heard. 

If you are concerned about your Government the you avail yourself of the democratic process.  Either vote them out or express your opinion.  As Afro-Americans we have enough to deal with in this country.  Instead of working for change we manage to get involved in such petty and small issues.

I don't need Ebonics to be a national language, I don't think that I'm that dumb where I can't learn something I studied for 14 years.  I don't need reparation, I really don't need a reason to sit around on my butt not doing anything.  I don't need prison programs, I would rather their be education programs or programs to help parents having a hard time. 

And I really don't need some second rate comedian calling professor at one of the most prestige universities in this country or a well educated brother with a talk show that deals with the issues we face everyday an Uncle Tom.

Nor do I need these two esteemed black personalities downing a truly iconic class Afro-American.

We are just too damn petty as a race and unless we can grow up all dreams will be lost

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