Thursday, August 4, 2011

How to create Jobs 101

How do you get America back to work?  Simple

This plan can be easily implemented we just need a President with the gall to do it.

  1. You make a flat 25% tax across the board, no deductions, breaks or write off
  2. Increase the import tax to 45%, no deductions, breaks or write offs
  3. Offer a 3 year Tax Incentive for companies that increase their work force by 2%
  4. Offer a 3 year Tax Incentive to companies that increase their American footprint as far as capital in America
  5. Offer a 3 year Tax Incentive for companies that implement Green Technology
At first they will threaten to leave the country, so we let them.  After they leave we hit them with the new import tax. 

Now this all works because America is the biggest consumer country in the world and if every country is paying insane an insane tax rate they will figure out it's easier to just establish their business here as well as build here.  So now you put American's back to work.  Because they need us to be at work to avoid the insane import tax rate.

Now once America is back to work we can continue to be the great nation that most have known us to be.

That's how you get America back to work

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