Thursday, August 11, 2011

Church and State Gumbo for Idiots

Rick Perry or Mr. Ubber Ultra Right Conservative as President?  The thought of that is so wrong on so many levels it's not a joking matter it's just sad.

First of all it would be unconstitutional, the essential idea behind the Constitution is that it guaranties the separation of Church and State for excellent reasons.  See the religion is a vast and varied practice that doesn't agree on a lot of points.  So their beliefs, while it's how they live their lives can be objectionable to other religions.  Imagine a Jewish President enacting his faith into the laws, how many Christians do you think that would offend since the Jewish faith does not believe that Jesus Christ is the savior and Christianity is based on the fact that Jesus Christ is savior and should be praised, so it becomes a no win scenario.

Now outside of the obvious Rick Perry is part of the "New Apostolic Reformation Movement", which is consider extreme by most religious factions.

"The New Apostolic Reformation has Pentecostal and Charismatic origins, with those traditions' interpretations of the nature of the ongoing ministry of the Holy Spirit within a believer. Unlike mainstream Protestant Christianity, these include the performance of miracles (such as healing), prophecy and the direct revelation of Christ to each believer.

Although the movement regards the church as the true body of saved believers, as most Evangelical Protestants do, it differs from the broader Protestant tradition in its view on the nature of church leadership, specifically the doctrine of Five-Fold Ministry, which is based upon a non-traditional interpretation of Ephesians 4:11.

So when the governor of Texas makes the Following quote:

"I think in America from time to time we have to go through some difficult times — and I think we’re going through those difficult economic times for a purpose, to bring us back to those Biblical principles of you know, you don’t spend all the money. You work hard for those six years and you put up that seventh year in the warehouse to take you through the hard times. And not spending all of our money. Not asking for Pharaoh to give everything to everybody and to take care of folks because at the end of the day, it’s slavery. We become slaves to government.

Apparently the economic downturn, and the Republican’s efforts to sabotage recovery, are all part of god’s plan.

I believe that’s what he thinks and I believe it’s what many among the Religious-Right think. I would go further and say that they believe climate change is also part of god’s plan, and their efforts to stifle scientific research and defund organizations like the EPA and NOAA are simply part of their self-fulfilling Rapture strategy.

If Jesus won’t give them the rapture they’ve been waiting for, then they will pick up the torch themselves and burn the world down.

If you are under the mistaken belief that electing lunatics like this may, in some way, be an acceptable alternative to President Obama and the Democrats, you need to take a step back and reconsider your life."

You better believe it Scary Time.  And this is the Rick Perry that people want to elect as President of the USA, a supposedly free country that guaranties the separation of church and state.

Our fore-fathers were not the smartest men in the world and they knew that.  They also knew that in order to have true freedom there need to be safeguards in place to prevent this country from falling into any situation that would eliminate the freedoms that we fought and died for.  To show their true genius you acknowledged that they didn't have all the answers and allowed the document to be amended, in the hopes that the people making the changes realized that they didn't have all the answers either.  And that any changes would be good for the people it represented and fitting for the time.  So when people misrepresent what they stood for, misquote them or just have no clue what they are talking about chafes my bottom.

I won't begin to explain how insane the New Apostolic Reformation Movement is, if you are interested just Google it.

As an American I'm personally offended of the thought of Rick Perry even uttering he's running.  As someone who's agnostic I personally offended that we have people stupid enough to even consider voting for him.  But putting my feeling aside any President who's answer to our current crisis is to pray.  I was always told that God will help, but only so much, the rest you have to do. 

As long as God is into writing 15 trillion dollar checks I have a few request for him, I just need to check with my accountant to see when he has free time to make the meeting.  Hopefully he can give some good investment advice....I wonder what he charges for an interest rate?


  1. Do you think that you expressed the point thoroughly enough. I understand your position and I am in whole-hearted agreement but you are being a bit of an ass about it. People are entitled to their personal opinions and if they want to elect a religious lunatic as President, then that's their stupidity. So let them be stupid, it only makes Obama look better and better.

  2. I'm sorry but when they say Oprah is demon and the reason the market is down in china is because the leader slept with a demon I think there some serious insanity going on there. I would protest just as much it the Heavens Gate leader decided to run. It's bad enough that David Duke put together an evaluation panel to see what his chances are.

    I told you Obama would get a second term anyway.

    But some people just need to keep their butts on the back of the little yellow bus

  3. You are one truely twisted individual, but you are very passionate in your political beliefs. I can honor that. That might be the reason I stopped following politics, idiotic candidates like Perry and passionate ass's like YOU!!! :))

  4. Being that passionate about politics would drive me to a permanent bed in Tinley Park. How do you do it O B 1??
