Sunday, August 14, 2011

2012 Election Prediction - Full Post

Ok, so the 2012 election nears and the GOP party is all a buzz about the candidates they have.  Here's the kicker right now the GOP party is not what people think.  They have lost most of their drive and motivation of being the great Political Party it once was.  They have gone so far to the right that the real grassroots GOP members are more central or independent compared the what the GOP party stands for now.

So here a basic break down of the candidates in no particular order:

First there Mitt Romney, he's the front runner and probable has the best chances of at least showing up in the general election, but I find it hard to believe that he will do any better then McCain did in 2008.

He has to deal with Obamney Care or the current Health Care plan that Obama has in place which is based off Mitt's Health Care Plan in Massachusetts.  Also being a Mormon he doesn't appeal to the Ultra Conservative Right as some of the other candidates.  He also has a public appearance problem.

As a multimillionaire telling unemployed people that he is unemployed doesn't go over too well when they are struggling to make ends meet, losing their homes and barely making enough to put food on the table.  Telling seniors that they have a problem with Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid doesn't go over too well when you say you need to cut or reform those programs while giving tax breaks to corporations and the wealthy.  How do you explain to senior barely making that Corporations are people and need a tax breaks at their expense.

Ron Paul, he's probably the most sensible candidate of them all, but he will never win the nomination because most of his views originally was so far from what the Tea Party represented.

Personally I think if he did win the GOP nomination he's capable of bringing back the member that either moved towards the Center or went independent.  That will never happen though because the Tea Party is insanely loud and perceived to be the voice of the GOP Party.

Ron Paul is a true Grassroots Republican and has a solid GOP background, he just appears to have an identity problem.  He identifies with the silent majority of the current Republican party that you will never hear from until election time.  If you want t serious Candidate for the GOP he's the man.  Regardless to what he says now he understands how Government works and is the overall best candidate for the Republican Party.  He just need to stop play get along with the Tea Party.

Herman Cain, well what can I say about him?  Well a lot consider he is truly the most clueless person in the Presidential race these days.  To give you an idea of what I mean by clueless: he's appealing the Tea Party, which is not just an Ubber Conservative Right group, I believe that they have a serious Racial Agenda.  So where does a "Real Black Man" fit in a organization with a racial agenda?  No where.

So talk about someone completely misdirected and clueless all you have to say is Herman Cain.

Then the Newt, Newt Gingrich.  Wow what can I say about the Newtster?  Well let me give it a shot.
Hmm, a Fiscal Conservative with a half million dollar rolling account at Tiffany's.  Did I mention it was an interest free account?  Apparently the Newtster has a thing for Bling.  He and his wife like living the high life, so it left many wondering how is he can call himself a fiscal conservative.

At the beginning of his campaign Newt lost his campaign staff...Well actually his top advisers walked out on him taking most of his staff with him while he was on vacation with his wife touring the Greek Isles.  So you have to wonder, how can someone that couldn't keep his staff in place possibly run this country.  We already know that the Republican's have no problem walking out on a president for no reason.  Could you imagine the Newtster as President and  not only does Congress walk out on him, but the Joint Chief's of Staff, Supreme Court and any other member of the Executive, Legislative and Judicial branches all walking out on him while he's at Martha's Vineyard with the wifey trying out the latest from Tiffany's?

My personal favorite is Rick Santorum.  The comedy value for Rick is off the charts.  Google "Santorum" and the top hits all describe something less suitable for your child to find out about their last name.

Santorum - noun

A term invented in 2003 by American columnist Dan Savage to disparage US Senator Rick Santorum due to his statements about homosexuality.

Savage defines it as"that frothy mixture of lube and fecal matter that is sometimes the byproduct of anal sex."

How can you possibly top that?

Well regardless to what you say about Santorum he has no chance in the world of ever winning anything.  One might call him the Scum of the Earth in definition only, he's probably a pretty nice guy....NOT!!!

Jon Huntsman, well he's the "Who Cares Candidate".  And the answer would be no one.

I have no clue why he's in the race.  He doesn't even provide any comedy value in a field of candidates full of it.  It's like Daffy Duck, Bugs Bunny, Foghorn Leghorn and Speed Racer running for office. 

Guess who Speed Racer is?  Now you get my point.

Tim Pawlenty, he has the pathetic vote sewn up.  Anyone that votes for Pawlenty it's out of sheer sympathy.  I think he raised a total of $10.00 which he took from his kids least I think.  I heard that he was at the Iowa Straw Poll with a tin cup trying to get people to donate so he could pay for their votes.  lol

No but seriously he has spent a huge chunk of the funds he raised for his campaign for the Iowa Straw Poll, which doesn't leave much for anything else.  He need to have a extremely good showing during the straw poll for people to take him serious.  I don't see him even making a dent and probably soon to withdraw his candidacy.

The Queen of Comedy, Michele Bachmann.  No matter what is said you have to appreciate her, she truly speak to the Tea Party.

Ok let me try to critique Bachmann, Right Wing Conservative who has no clue how to run a country.  She's basically and idiot to put it nicely.

Her time in office has produce nothing except a bunch of fail stands on legislation that did not pass and everything that did pass she was opposed to.  So if you want new Legislation just take the completely opposite view of Bachmann and you are guarantied to win 98% of the time.  Nothing is 100% and at least we know she can spell her name right....or can she?

I won't begin to go into her faux pas's which are too numerous to mention in any one single blog.

If you can't say anything good about a person then you shouldn't say anything at all.  So here is something good about Bachmann.  If you put Bachmann and Palin in a room together, Bachmann would be considered a "F"'n genius.

The truly sad part is that she actually has a chance of winning the nomination, now how scary is that?  No where as scary as my next candidate.

When Bush was in office I was deathly afraid of Chaney, Rick Perry Tops that easily.

Rick Perry or as Steve Colbert has dubbed him Rick Parry.  lol

This is one truly out there candidate.  I mean he would be the Spanish Inquisition on Steroids.  No separation of Church and State, Congress would no longer be elected by the people they represent and the group of religious zealots that back him is enough to scare even the Pope.

Yes a vote for Rick Perry is a vote for sodomy and as far as I know not many people like taking it up know what, well there is Santorum.  lol

Perry makes Bush look a Noble Prize winning genius.  Perry's philosophy is smaller government bigger religious run national programs.  Maybe they will build a toll road for the Bible Beltway.

So where do we stand?

We are actually in a good place for this country.

As our current President looks at the field and shakes his head in disgust and wonder what he did to have this many clowns jump out of a Yugo.

But he is not without fault.  He has to stand up and be the President, that's what he was elected to do.
He has allowed for things to get so bad that no one takes him serious.  The Tea Party doesn't and they know as long as they can say no and not only kill the economy, but threaten to destroy this country as we know it he will cave and let them have their way.  Can he make a change now that the debt ceiling is no longer an issue?  Let's wait and see.

Obama grow a pair and stand up for something, at least give the people that put you in office the illusion that you are going to stand up and protect the programs that you said you would when you got elected.  While a lot of people have given up on him they remain faithful, only because he is the lessor of the evils.  That's no way to run this country.

I nominate my friend John Daniels as an independent.  I figure we will get a Republican backed independent candidate in the race soon enough  I just want to be the first to pick one.

I have a very personal relationship with John and he has never let me down.  He does exactly what I expect him to do every time without fail.

So during the Presidential Election if you are as unsatisfied with the field of Candidates as me write in John Daniels, but make sure you use his Christian name Jack.

I can guarantee that you would not be upset at his performance.  He may not say much, but he does a lot.  When you sit down with him there is an immediate understand and you know that he's going to do exactly what you need him to do at that time.  A man of very few words, but plenty of action.

I wouldn't recommend that you spend too much time with him or people would start to talk.  He has a little something for everyone and I can assure you that no matter what issue you have a few minutes with John and you will forget all about your problems.

At the end of the day here is our current situation.  You have this new party that's very vocal and gives the impression that they are stronger then we believe.  The truth of the matter is that most Main Stream Republicans don't back the Tea Party, their thoughts or ideas.  They think they are a joke party as most Americans do.  I have never seen a Republican field of candidates have this much difficulty raising campaign finds.  The only answer for this is that the True Republicans aren't behind this field of clowns masquerading as Grassroots Republicans.  No one is falling for it.

So in the search for the 2012 Presidential winner it will be a lessor of evils.  It will be the person that America believes has their back going forwards.  And while Obama has not always been there for us is is truly the "Second Best Candidate" in my eyes.  My top pick is my friend John Daniels, but I don't think he will get the support need to hold a national office.  Like I said he has never let me down.

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