Monday, July 25, 2016

From the Ashes Comes Clarity.

Where to start, where to start?!

I have 2 blog site "Eric's Mad" and "Eric's Rants" about social issues and politics respectively.  I don't consider myself knowledgeable about politics, but I do have an opinion.  So it would seem odd that I have more content on my Political Blog by far, but I am truly interested how laws enacted impact me. I really care about my race (Human) and believe we are capable of incredible things, but sometimes we just need to get out of our way.

I've been following the Zeitgeist Movement for some time now, and they have an ideology I can really get behind.  But that is something I won't get into or discuss at this time, I'm more concerned in the immediate and present.  However if you are interested in where my head is google it.

So I'm going to hit a lot of topics and my view of the interpretation of the facts in a Rant that only I can bring/make.

Immigrants aren't the problem and they never were, they are actually the solution.  Immigrants aren't just from Mexico and other Hispanic Nations nor are they just from the Middle East.  This country has been driven by immigration since the start.  People come here from all over the world and contribute to its development everyday.  Immigration was a real problem only once in America, I won't give a history lesson, but I will say ask any Native American.

Without immigration this country would be no more then a third world country fighting to survive.  In the early days the immigrant were the ones bring industry to this country.  Immigration brought scientific advances, new ideas and a labor force that built this country.

BrExit or Corporate Globalization:
BrExit was about Corporate Globalization and not immigration policies.  Over the years we have been mislead to think that our jobs were being taken away by immigration, will that just is not true. Over the years through FTA (Free Trade Agreements), corporations have found it more compelling to move jobs to countries where they can get a better price for services and labor.  They move jobs to other countries to pay less and in turn charge us more.

America was once the hub of industry with goods and services sold all over the world.  Well we still sell all over the world, we just don't manufacture here anymore as "Made in China" has become common place in our households.

Bernie Sanders:
Bernie said a lot to appeal to the people and had a lot of policy ideas anyone can get behind, but they were unrealistic.  After 8 years of Congress doing nothing to help the people there is no way in the world they would agree to Bernie's agenda.  The Congress is not interested in free healthcare, free education, a livable wage, equal rights or anything else that does not benefit Corporate America. Our Congress has been bought and sold by Lobbyist along time ago and that's not changing anytime soon.

Bernie's solution was to put things to the people, well isn't that way we elect public officials in the first place so we don't have to spend the rest of our lives reading prepositions and marching for the things we have a Government to do.  If we have to put that much effort why are we electing people in the first place.

The election is rigged and SuperDelegates are unfair.  Well Bernie there was no change in the Democrats election process just because you decided to run.  As far as I know SuperDelegates have been around since the 80's and have worked pretty much the same way.  I still to this day remember a swimming event I had against a white school in Chicago.  One event I had won by only a few seconds so it was pretty close, but they gave the win to the other guy.  I mention this to my coach and she said, "No you didn't win!"  I ask why.  She said, "You weren't out of the water by the time he touched the wall.  Things are always going to be weighed against you, so if you want to declare victory you better damn well make sure no one can contest it."  Bernie you should have known the process before you decided to run, so don't blame other for you lack of commitment.

The Republican National Convention just ended last week and I've never been prouder to announce I'm going Independent.  My party has been a huge disappointment to me over the past few DECADES.  I thought I understood and believed in what they stood for or use to stand for.  Well they have moved too far in the wrong direction for me.

Listening to the convention as I have in the past I was looking for hope, but what I found was me hoping for sanity.  I won't mention all the faux pas, I will just say it left with a less hope view of not only the party, but the country.  They painted a picture of this country being out of control, ravaged with violence and on the brink of collapse.  The level of negative speech towards Hillary Clinton was insane.  When it closed I knew this, the World was coming top and end and they didn't like Hillary.  I was no closer to finding out what "Make this Country Great Again" means or how they planned to do it.  In hindsight I'm trying to think of a time when this Country was Great for all.

Hillary Clinton:
She has 2 major issues, the email scandal and lack of trust by the people.

Yes she should have been convicted for the emails.  She is one of the top people in this countries chain of command and no matter how you dice it, that was lapse in judgement.  She got off on a technicality and that is the fact that no one have every been convicted for using their home computer for classified documents.  She still had classified documents on her home computer and it is a Federal Offense.

Her main complaint is that people don't trust her, will if you've watched the news since the invention of the Television you see nothing but reasons not to trust politicians.  The list of Politicians convicted of a crime is too large to fit here so we won't go into that.  Does that make it right, no!

The Democratic National Convention is just starting and it already has it's setbacks.  The Wasserman Schultz email scandal....Seems like women in the Democratic party have a real problem with email, and Bernie Supporters protesting.  Can't wait to see what else it has to offer.

I don't really care much about the DWS email issue, so she preferred Hillary over Bernie.  Emails don't vote people do and no one is impartial about anything, everyone has a preference one way or the other.  Bernie lost get over it.

So at an event that should unify a party they are separated.  Bernie people want Bernie for President, I get that, but he lost.  They want Warren on the ticket, ok she wasn't picked.  Move on and either be a Democrat or leave.

Donald Trump:
He doesn't care about anything but Donald Trump.  He has no respect for women, minorities, the working class or anyone else whose name isn't Trump.  They say the appeal is that he's says and feel things we want to hear, so lets look at a few of these things:

  1. Mexicans are criminals and rapist
  2. Muslims are terrorist
  3. Laziness is a trait in blacks
  4. Who knows how much the Japs will pay for Manhattan property these days?
  5. Build a wall at the border
  6. Stop all Muslims from entering America
  7. Doesn’t matter what the media write as long as you’ve got a young and beautiful piece of ass
  8. He's supported by the KKK and does not think it's a problem
  9. He's a war hero because he was captured. I like people that weren't captured
  10. If you can’t get rich dealing with politicians, there’s something wrong with you

He has no political experience and no idea about foreign policy.  He doesn't offer many details and when he does they are either frightening or just frightening wrong.  He lies about any and everything. And on the domestic side he has filed Chapter 11 at least 4 times.  Whom do you think these bankruptcies helped, the people working for him or Trump?

Trump did not build a empire from nothing nor did it happen from a small loan.  Trumps father was in the Real Estate business and was very wealthy.  Donald worked for his father and later started his own business with a lot of help from his father in terms of finance, connection and a name.  So imagine you work at your fathers company, you get to learn the business and make connections.  You go off and start your own business, in the industry your father works in with according to him a 1 million dollar loan.  You decide to build X for a company and the company agrees with your father that even if Donald can't build X we will get together and build X.  Sound like a no chance to lose situation to me.

I've known a few really wealthy people in my life and by that I mean had a personal relationship with them and would call them friend.  There was no chance of them ever being poor, but they did receive a yearly stipends from their trust funds and all they had to do was manage other income.  By no stretch of the imagination would they ever be hurting financially, the combined sum of their stipends was a lot more than I will see a year.

How do you define successful?  The fact that he did not blow all the money left to him or his yearly stipend as well as his allowance...not salary, his father gave?

I heard today from a friend in Africa that there are some people in Africa hoping that Trumps wins, so there are Trump supporters in Africa...not exactly.  They think we deserve to be punished.  What does it say when people in other countries think a candidate is punishment.

So what does it say when the people in your party cannot say anything good about you, but instead try to make a case for how horrible your opponent is.  That most of the leaders in your party only support you because you are their candidate, in other words they have no belief in you just you are all we got.  That your party's message is not how or what they are going to do, but how bad they believe your opponent to be.

I heard that Trump offered Kasich was offered the VP position and turned it down when he found out he would be in charge of Foreign and Domestic issues, and when he asked what would Trump be doing the reply was, "Making America Great Again!".  If the VP is handling all the Foreign and Domestic issues what's left?

I don't understand the attraction to Trump, I think it is a worse case scenario.  And I understand the Bernie Supporters that are switching to Trump even less.  Trump incites violence, preaches division and exclusion, makes wild statements that are not true and is only concerned about himself.  I can only think that people behind and backing such a devious candidate are in their own words appealing to their inner racist.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with everything except voting as an Independent. A vote for Independent IS a vote for Trump. As long as Hillary is splitting votes with Independent ticket, The Donald maintains a solid block of votes for the win. You should tak the advice you gave the Bernie supporters. Get over it and vote Clinton. That is the only way to stop Trump.
