Friday, September 20, 2013

Starbucks way to go F the NRA

Most people recognize this logo as a symbol of excellence in the hot brewed beverage industry and they are truly a giant in it.  While I'm not a fan of their products I am a huge fan of their policy’s and operating procedures.

Starbucks is described as one of the best companies in America.  While you may not get rich working there they do offer full benefits for part-time employees.

Now who does that?

A company that puts employees first.  A company that cares about their workers, because they understand that the workers are the backbone of their very industry.

I see places that proudly advertise "No shirt, no shoes no Service", as an Afro American I can tell you personally of places that would not serve me or provide lousy service just because of the color of my skin.  The mantra of American's among the group I'm about to direct is "We reserve the right!!!"

Well they have done something outrageous.  They have nerve and audacity to say they don't want patrons in their Coffee Shops with weapons.  What makes them so special that they are not willing to be the scene of the next violent rampage of some psychotic shooter.  Only thing I can think of is that they actually care about not only the Employees, but the Patrons as well.

So when I heard this I was like WOW they are doing it again, taking a stand for something they believe in and I respect.

Who did this upset?

The obvious, the NRA and their supporters.  So I guess the phrase "We reserve the right" means nothing now.

I still haven't figured out the purpose of this organization, I know what people believe and think, but I mean their true purpose.  As far as I can tell they are nothing more than a lobbying agent for the gun makers.  They don't care about you defending yourself, they just want to sell you a gun.

There is a reason that the majority of the banks across the country do not have armed guards any more and it's no accident.  They realized that armed conflicts were more likely to end in the loss of life and no one wants to lose a customer.

The actual number of home owners buying guns have went down, but the number of gun sells have went up.  So that can only mean that there are more and more bad guys with guns.  I guess gun owners got tired of their loved ones dying from accidents in the home.

No matter how many incidents like that of last week happen the NRA is there to tell you gun ownership is right and your mental capacity doesn't matter in their eyes, nor does your violent background or even your ability to see.  See in some states even if you are blind and I'm not talking legally blind you have the right and can own a gun.

I will give the NRA this much credit.  When there a shooing in a school they do not lobby to have the children armed, but that's a technicality.  I'm sure if they could the would lobby to get the age of gun ownership lowered.  On second thought they did try to arm the teachers, "Little Johnny I told you to sit down,  bam bam bam, I bet you listen to me next time!!!"

Gun laws and regulations is not the answer.  They do not work and we see that everyday.  The only Gun Reform that has a chance of working is to get rid of the guns, plane and simple.  Why are we lobbying and protecting a right that as outdated as the theory of the Earth being flat?

To stop gun violence you have to get rid of the guns....all of them.

I guess "We reserve the right" only means something when the people with the reservations aren't the one's being referred to.

I think Starbucks got it right, I can see where they might be in more harm from the beach bum without their shirt on then the guy with the Uzi.  I mean why worry about an automatic weapon when Skeeter doesn't have on a shirt or even worse spreading foot fungus.

Kudos to Starbucks once again, they keep it up like this and I may have to start patronizing them.

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