Saturday, February 22, 2020

Delimmina Of the Democrats: Tale of the Dynamic Duo

This is going to be a very interesting election year for the Democrats.  While they argue over who is the best candidate and who can bet Trump, I feel they are missing the big picture.  The Democrats have 2 basic goals this election cycle and it has nothing to do with whom is the best candidate.

The first goal is actually the least important and that is who can bet Trump.  This is unimportant because if they rally behind one candidate the winner of the Primary will bet Trump.  What The 2016 Election showed was that Democratic Leaning people in the USA outnumbered Republican Leaning people by just of 3 million as indicated by the Popular Vote.  But actually that's an election that the Republicans shouldn't have won.  When it was crunch time the Democrats didn't rally behind Hillary and therefore giving Trump a win. 

The Bernie Sanders supporters gave Trump the election, it will be interesting if this cycle goes the same way.

But like I said betting Trump is the least of the Democrats worries.  What they need to do even if they cannot bet Trump is to gain a majority in the Senate and get rid of Mitch McConnell.  No matter who wins as a democrat they will not be able to get any policies passed with Mitch as the Senate leader.  So in essence they may remove Trump, but all the talk about policies would go nowhere.  They will be able to accomplish some things via Executive Action, but none of the policies they were elected for, and this will only serve to upset the Democrats that didn't vote for the candidate in the primary.

So it has to be a 2 prong attack, but no one is talking about that.

Another thing to consider is the candidates age.  Lets say they defeat Trump, but leaves Mitch in office, Mitch would not be due for reelection for another 6 years.  So that would be first term and if the Democrats can manage to win the 2024 Election they focus on getting Mitch out of office then.  So Bernie and Bloomberg are 78, in 2024 they will be 82.  Which is exactly what you do not want for a President.

So this election cannot be about the candidate and their policies it's either about betting Trump and hoping they can keep the office longed enough to gain a majority in the Senate or what it should be about is getting both Trump and McConnell out of office.