Saturday, October 22, 2016

A Strange Thing Happened on the Way to 2017

Ok, so the basic problem is people don't vote their interest and then wonder why they are unhappy with the outcome.  If your political choice is about who you are or who you want to be fine, just be informed about your decision.  While this election or President may never make history books, it's significant in so many other ways.

The Candidates themselves are unimportant, but the decisions they make are.  On one hand you have someone that people don't trust.  On the other you have someone you can't trust.  The Libertarian and Green party aren't real options.  And no matter how you feel about one party or the other we need both parties in place for checks and balances.  It's the only way to have a healthy democracy.

Do I trust Hillary, no.  I don't believe she will do anything that she says she will do, but I'm use to politician lying about their agendas.

Do I trust Trump, HELL NO.

I was proud to be a republican until Bush 43 (George W.), and while I will always believe in what my party stands for I can't say my party believes in me anymore.  Outside of the thought of Palin being that close to running the country I have had very little problems voting for my party or for whom I thought would be the best candidate.  However, this election is different, there is so much at stake things that will follow us for the next 20 - 30 years.  I truly believe that system have to change to remain relevant to the people, but the change also has to be viable.

I'm definitely not Pro-Hillary and I will not vote for Trump, a third party candidate or write in.

Democracy is a funny thing, we long and wish for freedoms in the USA, but we constantly allow our politicians to relieve us of them.  We want to say this country is "Great", but protest everything that makes this country Great.  We are a country with a wide range of religions, races, cultures, ideologies and too many isms to express, yet we are still only one country.

So while the world is ever changing around us I too have changed, I consider myself more of an Independent nowadays.  So like many of the Trump Supporters I too believe this country is hurting and in need of non-establishment ideas and a fresh look on things.  And like many Clinton supporters I believe Trump cannot be President.

This will be the first election in my lifetime so far where a 3rd Party candidate actually has a real chance of winning, but we are talking about something bigger than political party.

Personally I really like Jill Stein.  She not an established politician, yes she has ran for several offices and may have even held a small position for a short time.  She is for a lot of the things I believe in, as a Medical Doctor she has been an advocate for all kinds of health and environmental issue.  I really like the platform and she's from Chicago now living in Massachusetts.  So here's the kicker, I do not believe she would be able to sway Congress one way or the other, that will be an issue for any 3rd party candidate.  So while I like her platform and views I do not believe she would be an effective President.

Being President of the USA is about more than what you stand for and believe in, it about what you can and cannot accomplish during your term in office.  No 3rd Party candidate will ever have support of the Congress.

Then there's Gary Johnson, the best thing for him to do is to stay out of the media.  Every time he has appeared on anyone's show to me he just looks and feels incompetent.  He kind of a slightly more informed Sara Palin.

Hillary Clinton, while there are trust issues regarding her she is definitely the most capable one for the job.  Her years in Public Service makes her the ideal candidate, but there very little new and fresh ideas from her.  Being one of the major party candidates she will at least have support from her party and has the ability to bring support from across the aisle.  My concern is I don't really know what she stands for.  Most of her platform is a remnant of Bernie Sanders and she was almost forced into just to consolidate the Democratic base.  I can say as a FLOTUS I was very impressed by her agenda and things she moved on, but now as a main stream politician I have my doubts.

Last is Donald Trump, regardless to how much of a public idiot he appears to be or how divisive he is I have bigger issues with him.  Trump has never done anything that did not benefit Trump and while I thought his candidacy was one huge joke, I honestly believed he would never actually run, but he did and we are here.

So what about Trump, well he says he's a job creator, but he has undercut small business at every turn.  He talks about how wealthy he is, yet the only partial tax return that was released shows he one of the biggest losers.  He want's to make America Great Again, America is Great, so whom is he trying to make America great for.  I do not consider having business interest abroad qualifies one on Foreign Policy.  Since we have already established that about 55% of American household wages are at or below about 60K a year I cannot imagine him running any social programs.  He wants less regulations and we know who benefits from that and it's not the people.  I cannot think of anyone that has benefited from lead in the water, derivative trading or mines collapsing.  That is what you get from less regulations.  We have already established that tax cuts for the wealthy doesn't stimulate the economy and under a Trump Presidency it would have an even direr effect.

So that's where I stand and what I believe not voting in especially this election is the worst decision anyone can make.  So let me be perfectly clear what a non-vote is.  Voting for a 3rd Party Candidate, not voting or writing in the name of someone not on the ballot.  There are only 2 real choices out there in my mind, but I urge people to vote their conscience.

Vote definitely vote, but be prepared for consequences your vote carry.