Tuesday, October 29, 2013

The Real Tea Party - Boy oh Boy was I wrong

Ok, Saw this and couldn't pass it up.  So if you are a republican and voted to open the government and raise the debt ceiling you are going to be kicked out of office on the next election.  The Tea Party is going to run candidates in about 80 something elections designed to defeat the incumbent candidate.

So do you know what this means?  

Do you understand how big this is?

It took time for me to understand myself, but I think I'm good at reading between the lines and all the signs are there.  Of course, I can't prove anything, but if you follow the logic you can't deny it's meaning.

It's sheer genius and I'm happy to be the first person to put it together.

So there is a faction of the Republican Party we refer to as the Tea Party, but that's not the case.  It's a deep, complex and heinous plot by the Tea Party on levels too convoluted for most rational minds to understand, but so simple that no one would have ever thought of it. 

The best way to fool someone is with the plan truth, put it right in front of their face and watch them deny it.  Throw in a little misdirection and watch everything fall into place.

So we have the Tea Party that came in on the Republican Ticket in order to completely disrupt our political system at all cost right? 

No, we have a wave of Democratic Freedom Fighters strategically placed to uphold the Constitution at all cost.  Yes, that's what I said and I shall show you their systematic process to do so.  Just as the Illuminati, Knights Templar and Freemason Societies have all set out to mastermind Worlds Affairs so have The Tea Party, only they are in the public or are they? 

Well I took the time to decipher the name to find out the real name of this secret society of Democratic Freedom Fighters and came up with the following choices for the true name of the party:

The Tea Party can be translated into "A Petty Hater", "A Threat Type" or "They Pet A Rat", the later is probably the most likely name of this society.

Now that we have unveiled the monster let's look at the tools they use to reach world domination a plan so simple how could they lose. 

So after Obama won the election they leaped into action, they had to move fast and place people in key position to get the foot hold they needed.  So with Obama in office they can play on the American fears and racism to unite a base of voters and what better party to do it from within then the Republican Party, yes the GOP was nothing more then a vessel for the movement of World Domination.

Now the first wave was not effective enough, they had to one up crazy to get the job done, and how do you one up crazy in politics?  Move so far to one side that even the most staunchest Republican would have a problem following the party policy.  They you just need to be complete obstructionist, not allow anything to happen and try to repel everything that happened before the party got in office.  Threaten your party member that if they don't vote your way you will have them voted out during their next election.  And while the candidate cannot win against the democratic candidate, regardless to how often the proclaim they aren't witches (Christine O'Donnell), you have effectively removed a Republican candidate from office.

When in the history of society has on faction worked so hard against themselves to ensure that their faction has no say or control in the governing of society.

Hence, Ergo, Q.E.D., Eureka or Ta-Da whichever you decide, yes it was that simple, that easy.

The small faction of influential member of "They Pet A Rat" (T.R.A.P.) infiltrated the Republican with a simple plan to kill the GOP and make this country a one Party Political System killing the idea and thought of Democracy and forever erasing it meaning from history.

See at the end of the day TRAP knows that all the politicians want is money and the will of the people will always take a second seat.  So with control of a single party government they own the world.

As Democrats you should be ashamed at they depths you've allowed things to go to, as a Republican I'm ashamed it took me this long to figure it out.  We are right around the corner from a government controlled World where we as the people have no say so.

Oh and if you have a problem with me using TRAP instead of TPAR write your own blog and you can get as creative as you like....Although TPAR is pretty good.  I could have had a lot of fun with that one.