Sunday, October 28, 2012

What's important to American's?

As the election nears what has been is very clear is Mitt Romney will say and do anything to win the election, but all aside form all that we know exactly who Romney is and where he stands.

Look at who Romney is and what we actually know about him, not what he has said over the past few years.  I mean people can and do say anything and that is a lesson that is all too clear in every phase of our life regardless to what position the person may have.  Actions speaks louder than words!

He lead Bain Capital a company the that was responsible for putting American Companies out of business and shipped American Jobs overseas.  Regardless to what he says this is what we know about him, so what does it mean?  I wouldn't begin to speculate, but this is what we do know:

  • Bain Capital's leveraged buyouts sometimes led to layoffs, either soon after acquisition or later after the firm had concluded its role. 
  • Exactly how many jobs Bain Capital added compared to those lost because of these investments and buyouts is unknown, owing to a lack of records and Bain Capital's penchant for privacy on behalf of itself and its investors.
  • Maximizing the value of acquired companies and the return to Bain's investors, not job creation, was the firm's fundamental goal.

He paid a 14% tax rate after inflating it, and he's on the record with the following statements:

  • "It is a low rate," Romney said. "And one of the reasons why the capital gains tax rate is lower is because capital has already been taxed once at the corporate level, as high as 35 percent
  • When pressed on whether or not he believes that rate is fair, Romney said he thought it was the "right way to encourage economic growth -- to get people to invest, to start businesses, to put people to work."

Mitt is a Mormon and their stance on abortions is, Abortion it is a serious sin. An unborn baby is one of God's spirit children, just like every other person on earth, and that life should be valued for what it is. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints opposes abortion, and discourages it's practices, except for in rare cases where the mother will most likely die, or if the child was conceived under extreme circumstances, such as rape and incest, after meeting with the proper church authorities and receiving conformation through prayer.

Which ties in with the Republican views on overturning Roe vs Wade.  I key bit of legislation which hinged on right to privacy and a woman's ability to decide what to do with the most intimate and personal part of being a woman.  While my views are it is a private decision of a woman I only worry if they can dictate that what other personal rights will they try to legislate.

He is a advocate of a stronger military which can only mean one thing.  What would be the need for a stronger military if there was no plans to use it.  He also expressed a concern about the military being able to fight in 2 wars at the same time.  Do we really want to get involved in 2 wars in this economy?  The needlessly of lives of our potential leaders the group that will eventually take over the reigns of control from our aging Congress?

While it is said that he has flip flopped on several of his positions I can assure you that it will be business as usual for the GOP.

Are we better off than 4 years ago?  Well where were we 4 years ago.

  • The American Economy on the verge of collapse
  • The Dow Jones in a state of free fall hitting a low of about 7500
  • No Manufacturing Jobs in the country
  • $800 Billion given to Private Corporations in a Free Market (The Bank Bailout)
  • Unemployment at historical levels and we were rapidly losing more jobs
Where are we now?
  • The Economy is stabilizing
  • The Dow Jones a steady increase
  • 401K are profitable again
  • American Business's actually holding a cash surplus
  • The revival of the Auto Industry
  • Unemployment stabilizing and we are gaining jobs 
  • Manufacturing jobs are not only back but increasing
Now no one could have known how bad the economy was or repair it in such a short period of time, especially with the most ineffective Congress in History.  An entire political party that vowed to see this President become a failure.  A party hell bent on maintaining the tax cuts for the wealthy and cutting programs for middle and lower class.  

I know where I would like to see myself in the next 5 to 10 years and I want a candidate that can get me there.

While Foreign Policies is a hot issue I can assure you that the millions of out of work Americans care more about jobs here than the Middle East